Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from Texas! We did not go to the service last night because it did not start until 8:30 and I knew it would last for at least 3 hours - way past Mom's bedtime. She was a bit confused about not going last night but we did manicures for a distraction. Mom has pretty pink fingernails now. This morning she was up early and came out dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday and the day before. At my suggestion, Mom changed into a pink pants and jacket for church and we went to the 9:00 service. Mom had been busy making little church crafts to give to people so before mass began, I walked with her to deliver them to some people who have known her for awhile but whom she now meets for the first time every week. The Eucharist Ministers always come to where we sit in the front row to give Mom communion. This morning was no different but while Joe, Julie and I went to the altar for communion, Mom stood, got her purse and began to leave. I did a lot of motioning to her to stay there and was able to get back to the pew to let her know we were almost finished and it was not time to go. We finished the service giving praise with hands raised because Jesus Lives! Mom sings the Alleluias! best.

Happy Easter!

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