Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Suspicions grow...

Let's see, I know I have thought about things I should have been recording here the past few days. On Sunday, Mom and I had some time together at the table and we had to have the "birds and the bees" talk again. She asked again if I had ever had other parents. I let her know that no, I had not, that she was my only mother and she was stuck with me. She asked how she had gotten me and I told her I was a gift for God for her. I asked her if she had a husband and she said yes, his name was Dom. I told her the he was also my dad. And that she and daddy had two other daughters, Bonnie and Deena. At my question, she said she did not remember or think she ever was pregnant "with a big belly." But Mom kept talking like she had it figured out, about it all being "lined up" and that we were all together. If I didn't have the picture of Mom 8 months pregnant a month before I was born, I would be more suspicious about her questions. I have also seen pictures of her pregnant with Deena and, I was there. But...Bonnie...still wondering...

On Monday, Janice had some errands on the campus where I work, so she let Mom off for a few minutes to come inside with me rather than wait in the car for her. Mom came in and everyone greeted her. She met everyone for the first time again. One of my co-workers asked her about her trip to Louisiana. Mom claimed she had never been to Louisiana and supposed that my friend must have been confused.

On Tuesday, I left her a note about Janice helping her with a shower. She had absolutely refused to cooperate on the last occasion but I thought I would try again since I had spoken to her about Janice being here with her while I was gone. When I got home that evening - she had been showered - yeah Janice! Mom was not thrilled about it but I think Janice gave her a "Cheryl said so". What a blessing because there was just no time to get to it last night after Mom and I drove to Lockheed to take Joe his spare set of keys after losing the ones he used to get there.

Overall, that is our week so far. Our schedules are still crazy but I think we fill find a new routine that works for everyone. And...I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Motorcycle grandma said...

So . . . the adoption theroy is resurrected . . .