Monday, March 22, 2010

A Little Bit More

A plan is in place. Mom has a doctor appointment with Dr. Birdwell tomorrow at 1:30. We moved the other twin bed and vanity to the Meyer's last night. I will go to Tanglewood before lunch to make sure she is clean and dressed. I am prepared to do her nails before we go, take her to lunch and to Wal-mart or the dollar store before taking her to the new place. I have Nonnies to take over there and her baby doll is already there. I will be speaking to the doctor about her medications. It has been 4 months since Mom was in to have them renewed and she has deteriorated significantly in that time. She is more anxious and paranoid, depressed and angry. How that all goes together, I am not sure. But hopefully we will get the answers that will help Mom be not so anxious and oppositional.

I am off to bed - with a little bit of xanex and God's Grace to relax and be ready for tomorrow.

Thank-you for your support and prayer.

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