Monday, May 4, 2009

A pre - Birthday celebration with friends

What a special day it was today! Mom's friends Margaret, Barbara and Dianne brought a picnic lunch of cold cuts, cheese, rolls, chips, fruit, vegetable tray, etc and set it up in the gazebo with garlands of butterflies. Dianne, a professional cake decorator for a local grocery chain, made a beautiful cake with butterflies and chocolate dipped strawberries. We spent the entire afternoon out there in a light breeze on a 75 degree day. Mom felt special and loved. She interacted very little except to answer questions asked directly to her and to notice the mockingbird that visited us throughout the day, sitting on the fence nearby. After they left, Mom tried to take a rest but was up quickly to look at and through her butterfly gift bags. I don't really think she remembered any of them but it didn't matter to anyone. Margaret got pictures of the cake and pictures of everyone around Mom. If she sends them to me, I'll share them here. Mom was in bed early, of course! Wish you could all have been here! More birthday tomorrow!

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