Thursday, May 21, 2009

Warm days - cool drinks

Just a short funny. Yesterday morning (Wednesday), Janice told me that the day before (Tuesday), that Mom had gone to the refrigerator in the garage and come in with a bottle of Smirnoff something or other. 1. Mom has never gone to the garage to get anything out of that refrigerator 2. The wine coolers have been in there since before last summer. 3. There are two cases of bottled water in that refrigerator as well. 3. I can't remember the last time I saw Mom drink anything alcoholic. 4. I don't think she knew what she was getting, but she opened it and poured it into a glass and drank it. 5. She seemed to get a little friendlier and chattier with Janice afterward.

Mom has been exercising her independence during the day. She quit eating what Janice prepared for lunch so now she gets her own sandwich, snacks and "drinks" during the day. I think that Janice just mentions that it is lunch time as a prompt to remind Mom to eat. Mom has been sitting outside the front door on these warm days. In many respects, this is good because she is connecting enough thoughts to accomplish it. However, she has not changed her underwear or clothes all week even though I set them out for her and remind her before I leave for work if she is awake. Tonight she absolutely insisted that she had done this when I mentioned it to her. Oh well! I will be home with her in the morning because Janice has an early appointment and I'll be able to monitor this. Along with being stubbornly independent, Mom walked to the road to get the mail on Wednesday. Behavior we have discouraged because:! 1. She goes out there on uneven terrain without a walker or cane. 2. She gets the mail and if it has her name on it, she takes it to her room and "puts it away" and if it is a bill, medical or insurance information, I will never know. So she got mail yesterday and brought it to me tonight to find out what it was. It was insurance information that I explained to her that I punch holes in and put it into a notebook. Mom let me keep the paperwork this time.

I said it was short and got carried away! That's all for now. If I find any more booze missing I could be looking for the closest AA meeting! Or maybe I should just join her so that she doesn't have to drink alone!


Motorcycle grandma said...

Maybe you've found the key to keeping her mellow! Maybe put a little dorm fridge in her room for convenience. Immense admiration and appreciation for Janice!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bonnie.

Aunt Dolly said...

I did not mean to be Anonymous.

Aunt Dolly